
Showing posts from 2017

A Very Australian Christmas

Dead things are beautiful, too

Let's talk about Manic Pixie Dream Girls

Citizens, finally

It's good to be creative again (and my brain is weird)

Life's Like That: Stupid things I've done during exams part 3 (in which I wreck a pillowcase (and still can't sew to save my life))

Life's Like That: Stupid things I've done during exam time part 2 (in which I almost burn the house down)

Life's Like That: Stupid things I've done during exams part 1 (In which I insult veteran)

Exam break

In which I watch too many vintage films

Australian university (I tried to think of something witty to put in brackets here (but (obviously) failed))

Hazy (a poem)

Feminism, femininity, fighting stereotypes (and not caring what others think)

Why the Doctor is such a powerful character

Immigration (part 3): In becoming Australian residents

Movie Review: Spider-Man Homecoming

Immigration (part 2): Biased opinion time

Movie Review: Wonder Woman

Immigration (part 1): Asylum seekers/refugees in Australia (the facts)