The Music Tag

A thanks to the lovely Jessica @ Apples of Gold for the tag! (Now you all have to read about my weird music choices. *laughs evilly while lightning flashes in the background*)

Let's get started, shall we? 

1) Do you play any instruments? 

No, and everyone around me thanks me for that. I have about negative zero skill with the playing of anything musical. That includes singing, keeping a beat, and pretty much anything besides plugging headphones in. 

2) What your favourite music genre? 

I'd probably have to say Christian rock (I've just started getting into Skillet), but I like just plain old rock, too. I also like some really excellent classical music (Tchaikovsky's been a big one lately) and some pop is pretty good as well. I also have a soft spot for good indie, as well. I JUST LIKE ALL THE MUSIC, OK? 

3) Is there a music genre you absolutely cannot stand? 

TOUGH GUY GYM MUSIC. IT MUST DIE. (I have no idea if that's a legit genre or not, but it seems to be.) It's all they play at jiu jitsu and sometimes I just want to throw the speakers across the room, but lately it hasn't been bothering me so much. Maybe it's because I've hated it for so long, unable to escape it, that the boiling water is so hot it feels cold? I also have a thing against rap (there's like three songs ever that I've enjoyed that have rap in them (actually, tough guy gym music has a lot of rap in it...)). 

4) What is your favourite way to listen to music? (CD, vinyl, MP3, radio, etc.)

I love listening to music live, but with a lack of wandering musicians around the town (pff, this town is crazy) I usually just turn my headphones on and crank it. (Yes, I will be deaf by the time I hit thirty. Yes, I'm concerned.)

5) Who/what are your favourite bands/singer? 

This question is SO hard. If I absolutely had to chose three, I'd probably say Owl City, Relient K and Of Monsters and Men and Imagine Dragons would probably tie for third. 

6) What are your three favourite chords? 

Excellent question, I'll tell you when I figure out what a chord is. 

If I may brag for a minute here, I'm so proud of this shot because it was taken from a moving ferry without a tripod in the dark. That's hard, guys.

7) If you had to pick a song to sum up your entire life, your very essence, the core of your being, which song would you pick? 

(That's right, we get deep on this blog.) After much deliberation, I'd say Do Life Big by Jamie Grace because obviously I want to do life big. We've only been given one life, and I'd rather do it right and throw glitter everywhere while I'm at it. 

8) What do you think is the purpose of music? 

I actually have no idea. Different music has different purposes, but for me it's an escape (tip: the best therapy is cranking your favourite song as high as it'll go then screaming along to it), worship, entertainment, to express different emotions and to fill the gap in my mind where unwanted thoughts sometimes gather like dusty spiderwebs. 

And because I'm doing this late the night before this post is due, I tag everyone! (Shh, I'm not being lazy, I promise.)

Answer your favourite question in the comments!


  1. The heck is tough guy gym music? And you do ju jitsu? Do you really? o.O

    My favourite genres are Christian Contemporary/Gospel/Worship and Korean music. Weird combo xD

    I SHOULD be able to play the piano, but I slack off (I know, shame on me).

    My favourite chord is either G or C.

    I also like Do Life Big by Jamie Grace.

    I don't know what song can sum up the core of my existence but Worn by Tenth Avenue North is basically what life feels like these days.

    1. It involves lots of bass and guys yelling YEAH I'M SO TOUGH. And yes, yes I do. *grins*

      Yeah... definitely a weird combo, but I'm not one to judge. Worship music is great, but I think I've oversaturated myself with it so I try to avoid it now.

      SHAME, GRACE. No, kidding, you're great :) Enjoy practicing, and enjoy not practicing.


      I'll have to check that song out, thanks for the rec!

  2. Ah! I love this tag so much!

    Yes, get into Skillet. They rock [literally], and they put on the best concerts [along with for King & Country]. Although I haven't heard much of their recent album. Yours to Hold is a good song of theirs and Forgiven used to be my favorite.

    Ugh, I definitely agree with rap music. I can find some redeeming song in most all genres, but rap. . . Okay, I take that back. I do love Toby Mac [someone else who is awesome live]. Someone told me to listen to Hamilton and said that even if you don't like rap that you'll still love Hamilton. I tried. I really did [for like half an hour], but I still couldn't stand it. Screamo, or however you spell it, is a genre that I never really understood either.

    Hm, Reliant K. I haven't listened to them in years [so they are currently touring with Switchfoot and I'm infinitely disappointed that the Looking for America tour is not coming near me :( ). How is their new album?

    That song of Jamie Grace is awesome! I love her heart. She's good live too. [Seriously, you make me want to go to a concert now.]

    That last photo is awesome! And I might have to do this tag for myself because MUSIC!

    1. YAY!!

      They are so cool! I honestly haven't listened to a lot of their stuff but what I've heard is pretty good.

      RAP MUSIC MUST DIE. I only like a couple of songs with rap, but that's despite the rap, not because of it. Not seeing the appeal of Hamilton? But everyone's raving about it so there's that.



  3. Ha, thanks! It's sad how true it is, though... *hides* Thank you!


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