Mysterium tremendum et fascinans

I love words that describe the human experience. For example, have you ever been wandering through a store or bumped into someone on the streets and realised that person has a whole life apart from you? Their mom has a pregnancy story, they have a favourite elementary teacher, a pizza topping they can't stand, hopes and dreams and a past and a future. (That's called 'sonder', by the way.) 

Which brings us to the topic of today's post. Mysterium tremendum et fascinans. 

Rudolf Otto was this dude who described an experience he thought underpinned all religions. Mysterium (something wholly other than oneself, mysterious and unknown) tremendum (overpowering, unapproachable, awfulness, terror, awe) et fascinans (and charm or attractiveness despite fear). 

I don't know if you're religious, or if you have ever had an experience with God, whatever that looks like to you. For me, whenever I experience God it's like I've run head-first into the universe itself. It's this immoveable and untouchable force that surrounds my being, and while it's a power beyond my comprehension I always feel this incredible love towards me. It sounds crazy if you've never experienced it, I know. It's hard to describe as well, which is why I love Otto's phrase mysterium tremendum et facinans. It describes the indescribable.

I had the pleasure of experiencing mysterium tremendum et fascinans the other day. My aunt is in town visiting from Canada, so I took her to one of the attractions nearby. There are these caves owned by a few locals and we were able to take a tour through them. They aren't far underground and a good portion of the space open to the public is wheelchair accessible. 

One of the most defining features of these caves is the cathedral. There are about 15-20 weddings performed there a year and opera in the caves twice a year. It's absolutely gorgeous. Worn church pews, choir steps, electric candles glowing in the nooks of the cave walls. 

The tour guide turned off a few lights and turned on the music. The thing about caves, they have beautiful acoustics. So when Pentatonix's Hallelujah vibrated through invisible speakers, I could do nothing but sit back and smile. It filled my soul, it buzzed through my bones and swallowed me whole until there was nothing left but the flickering candles and this song coursing through me. 

This was mysterium tremendum et fascinans. It was the overwhelming sense of brushing up against the inner workings of the universe. I call it God. And it was beautiful.


  1. Man, it's been a while since I've felt this way. Especially sonder, since I just go out to do what I need to do and hurry back to the bus stop and go home xD

    It's quite a beautiful phrase. You speak French. It's always nice to pick up important phrases like these.

    1. Hahaha it's easy to get into that mindset, and I find that sometimes I have to slow down and remember that other people are human too.

  2. Love this! I love experience God in such overwhelming force through nature. (And caves, man! Love them so much. Sounds like the best place for an opera. It's like a God-made amphitheater.) My most recent experience wasn't with nature though. It was during a long car ride this week while listening to a new album (Switchfoot's Native Tongue). God meets me a lot during long car rides. One of the song chorus' incorporated the word "nevertheless," and it just really hit me hard. Things are very uncertain where I am right now, and I'm trying to trust God even though situation looks against me. And God just gave me his promise of "nevertheless." He can overcome everything. I just had to rest in him and stop being so anxious about it all. His peace just filled my car. I could feel his presence in such a tangible way. It was amazing. He's quite great.

    1. Thank you so much! My favourite place to experience God is in nature as well, I'll take a walk on the beach over church any day (which probably isn't great but whatever :P). Caves are the best! The Sydney Opera House has nothing on natural caves. That sounds like an incredible experience you had during that car ride. I'll have to listen to the album sometime. I hope your situation gets/has gotten better and that you're able to keep moving forwards.


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