
At the time of posting this it has been four days since since the mass shooting that took place at Christchurch, New Zealand. It is horrifying that such an act of cowardice and hate took place in our neighbouring country, especially when it's been so easy to 'other' the attacks that have taken place across the world simply because they did not happen in my backyard. 

I don't know if anyone affected by these attacks are going to read this, but if you are, then I'm sorry. I pray for peace, for love, for an end to this needless hate. I cannot offer a shoulder to cry on, but I can offer my tears and my heart that aches for your loss. I know no words could ever lessen your pain, but words are all I have to offer. 

If you are financially able to do so, I ask that you consider donating to one of the many fundraisers for the victims here


  1. I think it's really easy to dismiss horrific things that don't happen in your immediate backyard. Perhaps part of it's just the human condition--it doesn't feel real unless we can easily associate with those affected. Or perhaps it's self preservation; maybe if we tried to hold all the heartbreak in the world, we ourselves would break. Regardless, it doesn't diminish the horror or the hurt. Praying for peace not only for the victims and the world, but also for you.

    1. Absolutely. Out of sight, out of mind, to a certain degree. You wouldn't think it'd be like that with the availability of news but unfortunately I find that if it doesn't affect people I know I struggle to put in the energy to deeply care. Like you said, it might be an element of self preservation. I know I've tried to hold all the heartbreak I could in the past and I physically couldn't handle it. Thanks for your prayers, RM.

  2. Reading the accounts of that horrific attack, I can't even imagine what it's like. You're so right when you said that it's so easy to 'other' these kind of things and imagine that they'll never happen to you - all those poor people. My heart is bleeding for them, and I'm at a loss for words, because this was a senseless, hateful act that for the life of me I'll never understand. My thoughts and prayers are with the families of the victims and all affected by the attack - this has already been said by so many, but by God I mean it.

    1. Yeah, I tried reading some of the personal stories and I just couldn't get through them, these people went through literal hell. I don't understand how you could hate a group of people you've never met enough to do something that horrific, and I don't want to understand either. It's disgusting. Thank you for your kind and thoughtful comment, I think conversations like these make for a more understanding world.


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