5 of the dumbest questions I've been asked about Canada

I've been asked some pretty dumb questions about Canada. (Less dumb questions about Australia, surprisingly.) Here are the top ones. 

1. Do you know the Johnsons? Um, excuse me, who? What are you talking about? Apparently, Canada is so small that I should know the Johnsons. We all realise that Canada has a population of 36,000,000 people, right? 

2. Isn't it cold in Canada? No duh, Sherlock. We're only famous for our hockey skills and other winter sports for no reason. But it's actually warm in the summer. Surprise!

3. Aren't there snakes and spiders in Australia? Once again, no duh, Sherlock. 

4. Do you know Justin Bieber? Yeah, we were best buddies in elementary school. In fact, his igloo was right next to mine. Of course, we were homeless in the summer because they melted, but we had lots of fun hunting polar bears together and gathering maple syrup. 

5. Isn't Canada and America the same? NO. Two different countries. I can show you a map if you'd like. A variation on this: Isn't Canada a city in America? *smashes something*

So those are the main ones. I get asked a lot of similar questions, but they aren't all stupid and are actually intelligent 98% of the time. But still. I regret to inform you that I don't know the Johnsons. 

Have you been asked any dumb questions? Which one is your favourite? 


  1. Those do seem like dumb questions. I would find a question that suggested Canada was part of my country offensive, too. ^.^

    1. You wonder about people's basic geometry skills. Like you know what a map is, right?

  2. Haha! People have strange conceptions of foreign countries, don't they?! I think it's funny when people get excited over kangaroos. :)

    1. Yes, it's quite entertaining XD

      Actually, I still get excited over kangaroos and I've lived here for over four years now. They're just so pretty!!! (Except when they're lying dead at the side of the road. Then not so much.)

  3. Who are even the Johnsons? O_O

    Someone thought Canada was a CITY in the US?! That's insane. I do love your answer to the Justin Bieber one. XD Hilarious.

    When I was in youth at church, I went to a missions trip in Canada. I live in Texas and apparently when we were they it was the hottest it had been in Canada for a while. So everyone there was complaining that we had brought the heat with us. The staff were all Canadians while the other youth groups were from Illinois and Minnesota. We would sit outside and eat lunch. Everyone would say it was hot and sit in the shade while us Texans would sit in the sun because it was too cold in the shade. XD I love Canada though. It's so beautiful and I love the people too.

    1. *facepalm*

      In all fairness, it was 9th grade. But still...? And yes, I do try to pull the Justin Bieber answer out as often as possible, because it makes me happy.

      Oh dear, that sounds pretty accurate XD I'm glad you liked Canada! I haven't been to Texas, but we have some friends who lived there and they're pretty awesome (and I suppose you are as well ;) )

  4. Who the heck are the Johnson's?

  5. O4IU[093W@$^#%&*84 [5URJEL;@^#$YJ;FLAGJEIOR ;TJ!!!!!!!!!!


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