
Well, here we are. Roughly a year ago, I started up this little blog in hopes of being able to talk about the stuff I cared about without anyone interrupting me and of making a few new friends who shared my interests. 

And I suppose that's what happened. 

Although everyone has been so much more incredible and amazing and friendly than I ever could have imagined, and I just wanted to send all you jabberwockies a huge, huge, HUGE thank-you for everything you've done for me. I'd never imagined that anyone would want to read any of my stuff, let alone be kind enough to leave all those wonderful comments. I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you

So thanks. 

(And also, if you could do this survey for me? I'd really appreciate it.)

Thanks for a great year, everyone. 


  1. Whoo - congratulations!!

    Seriously, I'm glad I found your blog (although I can't remember how) - it's been great reading along. :)

    1. Thank you so much Jessica! You've been so amazing to me :D

  2. Rainbow Magic Fairy24 June 2016 at 12:00

    CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!!!!! Massive applause for one awesome year of blogging! cant wait to see what comes in the future :)

  3. AND LET ME THE CANAKIN, CLINK CLINK! Okay, enough of Othello and the drunkeness thereof.

    Congrats, Victoria! This makes me feel rather young o.O But not young... xDD

    1. Ha, I saw what you did there :)

      Thanks so much, Grace! I really appreciate your support :)

  4. Wow, congratulations! I can't believe it's already been a year. :) May you have another awesome year of blogging ahead of you with just as many great and awesome posts.

    1. Thank you so much for your support/just generally being awesome over this past year, Heather!

  5. Congrats! This is amazing! I always say that the first six months are the hardest, when no one's reading your blog. Good for you for making it through the hardest section. Here's to another year!

  6. Congratulations, Victoria! I hope every year of blogging after this one will be as good as the last!


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