Looking behind, looking beyond

Happy New Year! *fireworks* *balloons* *fireworks in the shape of balloons*

I wish you all the best 2017 ever (not sure how that'll work out because there'll only be one 2017 but moving on)! Roughly a year ago, I posted some plans for my gap year and I figured this was a good time as any to revisit those goals and see what I have/have not achieved. (Also because I like lists.)

A mannequin in a window somewhere in Rome.
She looks as fabulous as my year has been.

1) Save some money. Well, did that. I'm not known as a big spender and I worked a fair amount this year, so I'm pretty happy there. (I did, of course, splurge on quite a few books this year but honestly that's just life and should be expected.)

2) Get better at French. I took some French lessons this year, and while I enjoyed that I don't think I got better. Maybe just didn't get worse. I've lost some grammar, but I started writing my journal in French so my writing has gotten better. Hollow victory? You win some you lose some? [Insert popular saying here]?

3) Take care of myself. For the most part, I achieved this one. Ever since September things have gone downhill just a little, but that's alright. I'm working on it. I'm a lot healthier than I was last year, so points to me. (This is mostly because of not stress eating, boxing/running with friends and jiu jitsu. So I did actually work pretty hard to achieve this one.)

4) Blog. I did this! Although I've slowed down a little in the past little bit because life has been crazy. 

5) Writing. Well, I didn't sign with an agent this year but I did get some agent interest, so I'll take my victories where I can get them. On the other hand, I did complete Camp NaNoWriMo and NaNoWriMo and edited lots and stuff. 

6) Watch movies. This I did, but probably no more than usual. I watched all nine seasons of Doctor Who this year and fell in love with the show, but beyond that it I spend a relatively normal amount of time in front of the screen. 

7) Join the local soccer team or swim. First major fail here. I was going to join the soccer team but then martial arts happened, and I was going to swim but then I dyed my hair and the chlorine is really hard on the colour so I don't swim too often. All valid reasons. No regrets. 

8) Do more drawing/photography. I've started drawing in my journal, which has been totally amazing and I love it to pieces. I can't go back to blank pages. I've done well with my photography, too, I think. 

9) Relax. Been there, done that. 

10) Read. My bookshelf is bursting. It is beautiful. My brain is also bursting. It is also beautiful. I've gotten into non-fiction in the past few months, which has been a nice change. Classics, some newer YA. Life has been good to this bookworm. 

I'm not going to put any New Years Resolutions up, because I don't usually do them and I'm not having another gap year. I'm so thankful for this time I've had to enjoy life at a slower pace and get stuck in some of my passions.

What are your New Years Resolutions? Did you achieve your ones from last year? 


  1. Ugh, I think I got a bit worse at Spanish myself. Ah well. There's still room to improve.

    I have a bullet journal thing now except the page are blank? I'm better at fulfilling my goals now. I have short term goals now so no resolutions!

    1. That's the fun part, isn't it? There's always something to improve on.

      Hahaha :) I hope you fulfil all your goals and have a great New Year! Thanks for always reading and commenting, it means a lot!

    2. I feel that I haven't been commenting enough, but thank you! <3

  2. Ach. I sort of flopped on my goals last year. But, I'm hoping to do better this year! I'm still solidifying my writing goals.

    I think short term goals are a lot more effective for me, too.

  3. Yay for saving money and reading and blogging! Which is only a small portion of your goals, but I appreciate them still. I don't really do resolutions, though, so I also don't have much experience with all of this.


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