Things I've Learned from Living with Gamer Boyz (TM)

1) Gamer Boyz (TM) is not the correct way to refer to said Gamer Boyz (TM). I don't particularly care.

2) Render engines are important. I'm not sure why. Only time will tell if this knowledge is useful.

3) Gaming is kinda more expensive than I'd previously given it credit for.

4) "Destiny" is a game. I do not think it tells me my particular destiny. I am disappointed with this fact.

5) Gamer Boyz (TM) is a lifestyle.

6) Or it's a hobby. You do you.

7) Mouse and keyboard vs controller are very different. For example, I know how to use a mouse. Controllers are run by black magic and you can't convince me otherwise. 

8) No matter what video game it is, I will be nauseous by the 30-minute mark.

9) The graphics! The rendering! The storytelling! The sneak attacks! The animation! The transitions! The character design!

10) Video game scores are often as thoughtful and beautiful as movie scores.

11) As my brother would say, "I AM SPIDER-MAN! FINALLY!"

12) Some cutscenes are unbelievably long. Apparently this isn't always a bad thing? 

13) People legitimately watch 5+ hours of other people playing games on YouTube. WHY.

14) I really miss playing my Nancy Drew games.

15) Video game to movie adaptations are sometimes a good thing, and not always a reason to bemoan humanity. ("Assassin's Creed", I'm looking at you. I lost two hours of my life to you.)


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